Friday, March 23, 2007
funny thai beer ad...cheers!!!
i like the car park 1 the most...the wind effect and all..made it so dramatic hahaha...ohhh and the stupit CRAB! so random
Monday, March 19, 2007
Got tagged
Layer 1 : On the Outside
Name: Benjamin Ong
Birth date: 06/07/88
Current status: single
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Ash brown
Righty or lefty: Righty.
Layer 2 : On the Inside
My heritage: Chinese
My fears: Centipedes..the big ones..
My weaknesses:
My perfect pizza:aloha chicken thin crust from dominions=D
Layer 3 : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first waking up:5 more mins! 5 more mins!
My bedtime: 12 am to 1am
My most missed memory: Pangkor islands with the gang from GRC=(...nvm we planned to go there again when we get guys get ur wives quick ya..;P
Layer 4 : My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: not really a fan of soft drinks...but if i had to choose...i'll go with pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King....McD's food getting worst now a days
Single or grouped dates: Any will do
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Tea or Nestea: tea+ice+lemon=P
Chocolate or Vanilla: co-co-late
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccinooooo..
Layer 5 : Do You...
Smoke: yup...the 2nd smoke from other smokers from the next table...sux
Curse: does saying idoit counts...hehehe
Take a shower: yup in the rain...=P
Have a crush: now? nope
Think you've been in love: yup
Go to school: Yes
Want to get married: u say lehh
Believe in yourself: 70% of the time
Think you're a health freak:
Layer 6 : In the Past
Drank alcohol: yes
Gone to the mall: ....wat kinda question is that
Been on stage: Yup
Eaten sushi: Ai!
Dyed your hair: long time ago...maroon red...which slowly turned to yellow...hehe
Layer 7 : Have You Ever...
Played a stripping game: hahah nope
Changed who you were to fit in: use too..dont try it
Layer 8 : Age You're Hoping...
To get married: hmm...after 23 b4 29
Layer 9 : In a Gurl
Best eye color: it doesnt matter
Best hair color: her natural one
Short or long hair: long ofcourse...hehe
Layer 10 : What Were You Doing
A minute ago: typing
Hour ago: eating dinner
4-5 hours ago: doing math
1 month ago: collecting ang pou....keke
Year ago:hmmm...tell u when i remember
Layer 11 : Finsh the Sentences
I love: God, family, friends ,my italian
I feel: Good...teaNa teaNa teaNa brown
I hate: bad news
I hide: my money, password, feelings
I miss: old friends, old times
I need: God's help...always:P
Layer 12 :
TagOne: if you're reading this, i tag YOU!
Name: Benjamin Ong
Birth date: 06/07/88
Current status: single
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Ash brown
Righty or lefty: Righty.
Layer 2 : On the Inside
My heritage: Chinese
My fears: Centipedes..the big ones..
My weaknesses:
My perfect pizza:aloha chicken thin crust from dominions=D
Layer 3 : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first waking up:5 more mins! 5 more mins!
My bedtime: 12 am to 1am
My most missed memory: Pangkor islands with the gang from GRC=(...nvm we planned to go there again when we get guys get ur wives quick ya..;P
Layer 4 : My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: not really a fan of soft drinks...but if i had to choose...i'll go with pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King....McD's food getting worst now a days
Single or grouped dates: Any will do
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Tea or Nestea: tea+ice+lemon=P
Chocolate or Vanilla: co-co-late
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccinooooo..
Layer 5 : Do You...
Smoke: yup...the 2nd smoke from other smokers from the next table...sux
Curse: does saying idoit counts...hehehe
Take a shower: yup in the rain...=P
Have a crush: now? nope
Think you've been in love: yup
Go to school: Yes
Want to get married: u say lehh
Believe in yourself: 70% of the time
Think you're a health freak:
Layer 6 : In the Past
Drank alcohol: yes
Gone to the mall: ....wat kinda question is that
Been on stage: Yup
Eaten sushi: Ai!
Dyed your hair: long time ago...maroon red...which slowly turned to yellow...hehe
Layer 7 : Have You Ever...
Played a stripping game: hahah nope
Changed who you were to fit in: use too..dont try it
Layer 8 : Age You're Hoping...
To get married: hmm...after 23 b4 29
Layer 9 : In a Gurl
Best eye color: it doesnt matter
Best hair color: her natural one
Short or long hair: long ofcourse...hehe
Layer 10 : What Were You Doing
A minute ago: typing
Hour ago: eating dinner
4-5 hours ago: doing math
1 month ago: collecting ang pou....keke
Year ago:hmmm...tell u when i remember
Layer 11 : Finsh the Sentences
I love: God, family, friends ,my italian
I feel: Good...teaNa teaNa teaNa brown
I hate: bad news
I hide: my money, password, feelings
I miss: old friends, old times
I need: God's help...always:P
Layer 12 :
TagOne: if you're reading this, i tag YOU!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The torn mime is back!!
Some of you might still remember the famous "torn mime"...well he's back,this time with Natalie Imbruglia singing are some other clips of him that gil sent to me...happy laughing =P...i know i did.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The new "tickle me" elmo
LOL!!! cant stop laughing after watching this...its simply hilarious...this toy reminds me of teck meng cause he's always laughing at this that are not funny at all ,but at the end u'll start laughing also cause of the way he laughs.....juz like this elmo toy.....if anyone see this for sale let me know..i've got to have one...hehehe
Monday, March 12, 2007
Weeeee!! my blog music player is finally working
Ahhhh finally...its works...after all the hard work of trying to fix it
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Pics from Joey's bday
Here are some pics of joey's bday in mardi gras...wanna know more u can go read mats blog...hehe...tumpang his blog
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
My 1st photoshop pic =D
other pics that i edited
hmmm...golden hair...intersting

aikkss....tempting me to respray my car red

Sunday, March 4, 2007
Its a Boy!!! congrads!! Paulyn jie jie =D
Tadyee is a special 2nd sister juz gave brith to her 1st child! so happy for her..can really see her face filled with joyy as she was holding her new born baby boy...congrads congrads =D thank God the baby was healthy....but eshhh...i forgot to bring the sry guys no pics=(
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