Monday, November 26, 2007
WARNING: Robbery Tactic
LOCAL NEWSWARNING: Robbery TacticNovember 19, 2007 04:47 PM Author: Chips
“Hey, brake awak sudah pecah, minyak keluar (your brake is broken and oil is coming out)!” Normally, a warning like that from another motorist would alarm you and you would immediately stop and jump out to look. But these days, that’s not such a wise idea, even if you are worried about the brakes leaking. This is because one of the tactics of robbers now is to use that warning to make you stop and get down – as this writer discovered this afternoon. Fortunately, however, I am not an average motorist who doesn’t know a lot about cars and whose first two thoughts were: “brake leaking… why didn’t the warning light come on?” and “two guys on a motorbike… be careful!”.
Fortunately, the second thought made me hesitate about getting down and in fact, even when they (two Indians on a motorbike) drew alongside me in the jam along Jalan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur, I only wound down the window a bit to ask them what they were saying. As I stopped the car, I was still thinking about the absence of a warning light which would normally come on because a leak will drop the brake fluid level and the sensor (which most cars have) will pick it up.
As I pulled over, the two guys stopped their motorcycle in front of me and the tall pillion rider got down (which also struck me as suspicious because most people usually shout a warning and then go off). It could be that because they were both wearing dark blue shirts with a Shell logo, they expected that unsuspecting motorists would let their guard down thinking they were mechanics. Anyway as the tall guy was getting down, I noticed that in his hand was a small container (like an Eye-mo bottle) and that immediately stopped me from getting out. I immediately drove off and kept an eye in the mirror but didn’t see them following me.
I drove on looking for a spot with plenty of people so that I could check on the front wheel and turned into the carpark at Muzium Negara. I was still alert for the possibility that they followed me so I quickly ran to the front to check – no oil, nothing visibly wrong – and as I rushed back to the door, around the corner they came! I jumped in and they did a u-turn and went off.
So be alert for this tactic which may be a new one. They may not want to hijack the car and probably just want to steal things and that container may have soapy water or something that can burn your eyes and as you are blinded, they open the doors and steal whatever they can find. So whatever you do, don’t get down and don’t stop further along thinking it is safe. If it is a brake problem, just drive carefully till you get to somewhere that has security guards nearby. And it is best not to head straight for home because you never know if they may still be following you, determined to rob you (hopefully, you were an unlucky random choice).
While on the subject of modus operandi, as the police have warned, be alert when you are rammed from behind and don’t get down. Drive to a police station to make your report – you are not committing an offence if no one has been injured and you can tell the police you were suspicious of the car that rammed you. Also, do not think that if there is just one person in the car that rammed you, it is safe because there have been reported cases where another car comes up and stops ahead and two guys get out with parangs and do their nasty things. You also need to be alert for the possibility that if you are talking to one of them one one side from inside the car, it is not safe because the others can smash the glass on the other side and grab you.
Sadly, it’s a dangerous world we live in these days and being alert and staying calm enough to be able to recognise danger signs is critical.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Alfa Furiosa!!!

Original: Alfa Romeo’s replacement for the 147 is just around the corner but officials are yet to pick a new name for the entry-level hatch. To help them decide, Alfa has put the decision for naming the car to the public, asking for participants to vote between 12 choices. You may recall VW picked the name for its Tiguan SUV after conducting an online poll of 300,000 readers of a German automotive mag. Alfa is doing the same by launching a new website dedicated to picking the new name.
The 12 possible choices include Agea, Enos, Everson, Fira, Furiosa, Milo, Mod, Nevo, Solea, Sparvo, Velvetta and Ventura. Sadly, voting is only open to residents of Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Japan and the UK. The final cut off date is 15th of this month.
Pictured above is an official rendering of the car that was displayed at a recent shareholder meeting. During that same presentation, Alfa boss Antonio Baravalle revealed the current numeric naming pattern would be dropped in favor of individual names for each new model. Until recently most suspected the replacement for the 147 would be called the Alfa Junior. We’ll have to wait another two weeks to find out the new name and then another couple of months until the final production version is unveiled.
Tell us which name you think should win in our comments section below, then head over to Alfa’s official site to vote.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Ferrari SUV?!!
Yet the rumors persist, recently culminating in a post by our friends over at World Car Fans that contained an incredible amount of specific conjecture about a Ferrari F599 FS 599 Fuoristrada concept being readied for the 2010 Geneva Motor Show. The rendering that accompanied their post was a bit 8th grade-esque in execution, so we thought we'd share this one cribbed from what appears to be a Romanian site. For all we know the linked article could be telling us that the Ferrari SUV has been approved for production and Michael Schumacher will personally autograph the passenger-side airbag of each one, but we don't speak Romanian and neither do any of our trusted web-based translaters. If you do, let us know what the scoop is in the comments.Regardless, this rendering at least does justice to what a Ferrari SUV might look like, with sinewy curves, styling cues that evoke past prancing horses and what appears to be a wheel/tire combo that could easily take an apex or two. Should such a vehicle ever be made? Hell no! But there's no harm in drawing one, we suppose.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
temptation on a Sunday
I began my Sunday morning with eye bags and a blur mind, cause i didnt really get enough sleep ...too many thoughs were runing through my head at night...anyway so yea woke up at 7.30am and had to rush for worship practice.
Today's sermon was great, the pastor shared about how we as christians should have an attitude of worshiping and serving God.He use a metaphoric example of how a cat and a dog would treat its master...a quick example most dogs would usually want to serve its master, most cats on the other hand would want to be served by its master...well from my experience,it was quite true.
After that I had lunch with my church we always where the temptation was at a shell station in kepong,well i did the usaul...u know like parking the car,opening up the fuel lid and getting the credit card yea i walked up to pump station and as i was about to insert my credit card i notice something different...normally the card reader would display a message like" welcome to shell,please insert ur card bla bla bla" but it was diffrent this displayed "lift nozzle and fill"....i was like eh??? eh?? EH!!!!...FREE PETROL!! turned around and told mat...he was laugh in the car and said" try and see" and so i did; lifted the nozzle chucked it in and just tap the lever....and it worked!!...50 sens worth of petrol went in....mat and i were laughing like mad...we nvr came across this kind a stituation before...filled with joy i turned around and grab the nozzle again ready to fill up a full i was about to press the lever....a small still voice said this is wrong...its i stopped and though about was clearly wrong to do this...but some part of me was thinking that nobody knows juz fill it!...i felt like there was an angel on one side and the devil on the those u see in a its 1.05am edi!....hiahzz anyway to cut the story short i didnt take the free petrol in the end...i went up to the counter and told the guy working there....he help to reset the system and everything was back to normally..:( no more free petrol...well who said that doing the right thing was easy,it nvr yea that was it...sorry if i was to dramatic about this...hehehe...its juz that a tank of free shell V-power to a car enthusiasts is like giving a child 5 scopes of ice cream on his will surely get our yea thats about it....actually im feeling proud of myself now(ben lifts ups his head high and smile)....LOL jkjk
ok lerr i gtg edi...its getting late...tomorrow i have to go to the office.....thx for reading...ohh and forgive me for any english errors in this half asleep now...heheh...ciaoz...Zzzzz
Thursday, November 1, 2007
the 3 telephone books that i've been studying
work at the factory
latest pics of my vios
so far i've added a set of front diffuser,self designed racing stripes,darken rear lamps,green speedometer,and a velocion twin tip cat-back exhaust...wanted to added strut and anti roll bars...but i might be leaving to America in 2008 or its a waste of money if i were to buy the bars now...
slipstream photoshoot..keke
quad exhaust??!!...well not yet..this is a photoshoped version of jun min's(black vois) concept quads.....which i have to complete by next week....and after that its joeys turn to be pimped by worry..all the exhaust are well engineered to give increase performance, enviromental friendly(its a must) and sporty sound but stays under 85db...well wat that basically means is that you be going faster and your neigbhor wont start throwing stones at your car when u drive home late at night...hehe...
lots more happen like countless nights of tt sessions and more but i dont have the pics :(....ohh well thats about it...back to studies...until next time...ciao
Study hard,Play hard!!!