Although im a car enthusiast i didnt really pay much attention to the tires...i mean i know that using a good set of tires helps out the cars performance..but i didnt know that it would make so much of a difference...well maybe its because of the sudden switch from cacat tires to higher end ones...cant wait to really test them out on the curves:P
Theres a trip to ulu yam this sunday and lots of members are going..some even came down from Singapore...but sadly i wont be able to go cause i got to play bass for worship this about perfect timing...hmmm...ohh well i guess i should count it a joy to play for God this not trying to act Holy and all but...well putting God first should be our main priority...although it could really be hard at times...but its worth it at the end of the day...know that u choose to honnor God above the things that u wanted...hmm...well i believe that God will give something else even better than this...hehehe..until then i'll be waiting...hahah so yea thats about it...back to my work...ciaoz..and enjoy ur coming holidays :D